Saturday, July 10, 2010

Geeking Out

Kids, I am totally psyched! We are in Michigan doing all the pre-film stuff and it is AWESOME! Getting to see the locations in person, meeting the geniuses behind the madness and fulfilling dreams is almost Cool Overload.

The first order of business has been to check the locations and see our sets. It is amazing how Dutch feeling a small town in Michigan really is; everywhere there is Dutch influenced architecture! Not to mention the gardens, food and weather.

We checked out the windmill, which is where we filmed those tulip field scenes. The tulips are no longer in bloom, but the windmill, shops and a great bridge were inspected.

Outside our windmill is a piece of an old windmill wing they have on display. It is riddled with bullet holes because the windmill had been used as a lookout point during World War II.

The 10 West guys have been busy making sure our sets look amazing and they are doing a fantastic job! They have 4 stages where various sets are being built.

The benefit of creating your sets, is that they can be made movable and changeable. We will be able to get double duty out of them by simply moving a few walls and changing the various set elements!

One of the best feelings in the world is going to bed, absolutely exhausted from working on something wonderful. Yeah, we're there.


  1. Fascinating stuff - thank you for sharing.

  2. Has the movie been completely cast?

  3. This is wonderful! My daughter has recently joined your team and I love seeing all the behind the scenes work that is being done in Holland! Keep on sharing and THANKS!!!!
